Well, for those who placed bets on when (actually IF) this remodel would ever start - today is the day. Mark it down - November 17. The new bets can be on when we will be finished. The contractor says 6 to 8 months, so we are thinking 9 to 12. Mid summer hopefully - during rainy season.
It is ironic that there was a shuttle launch yesterday since I planned to use a shuttle launch photo for the official lift off. This photo is not of yesterday's launch, but one earlier in the year. It was taken from Kennedy Space Center. We can see the shuttle from our backyard, but nothing quite like the photo.
Oh well, I digress. As of 9 am, there were 7 pickup trucks and two heavy duty trucks at the house. The number of trucks is a sign of how much work is going on. Several larger trucks along with a huge back hoe showed up later. All were gone by noon......... hummmmmm.
They pulled the back porch area off and part of the roof above it. Just with that little part gone, the view to the lake is significantly better. The final product will have the great room about 5 feet higher than the previous elevation, so the view will really be fabulous. We will have windows across the entire back of the house. Can't wait!
There will be more frequent posts and lots of photos so you can follow on with the progress and, what is sure to be lots of drama. We already have our first change order - we just have to laugh about it - nothing else to do at this point. More about that detail later.
Thanks for tuning in!