Thursday, October 21, 2010

You Know it's Not Good When.....

Your plumber calls and starts humming the theme song from the Twilight Zone. We have had an issue with the plumbing/septic since we moved in. The pipes in the master bathroom, kitchen and powder bath all rattle at various times of the day. The powder bath specializes in gurgling in the middle of the night. The bathroom and kitchen pipes generally rattle after large volumes of water go through them, such as after a shower or dishwasher cycle. It is interesting because the powder bath already existed although the pipes were redone, and the kitchen and bathroom pipes are brand new.

The septic guy and the plumber have been out numerous times to fix what they think the problem is and nothing has worked. On Monday, the plumber installed some larger relief valves and said it would either make the problem stop or get worse. Guess which it was? Now they have to get together and collectively solve this issue - why didn't they do that before, you ask? "It's construction" is my only answer.

We have only three things that remain before we can say we are finally finished - this, the floors and landscaping. More to come. Stay tuned.......

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

New Addition

No, it's not the additional two car garage with the apartment above that we really want, but an addition of the four legged kind. Meet Brix. He is a 6 1/2 month old Vizsla we rescued from a family in Jacksonville who could not handle him. He is from our Illinois breeder and has the same bloodlines as Escrow and Equity. He is totally out of control - so his "addition" to the family is still a probationary one. We have a personal trainer for him, so are going to give him as much as we can to succeed, but if he doesn't stop biting me, he's going back to Illinois!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Osprey are Back Already!

I was sitting in the back yard last weekend and heard an Osprey call. Not terribly unusual as there are some who do not migrate. I looked up to see one soar over the lake and land on the limb beside the nest next door. I was stunned and wondered if this was one of the local birds just stopping for a minute. Nooooooo! In another minute or so the other one flew up and landed in the nest. We grabbed the binoculars to get a better look. They were pretty scruffy, so we surmised they had just flown in. How cool is that - to actually see them arrive? It is about a month early from previous years, but they left early as well. Perhaps, the previous years were the exception and this is the normal timing. Only future years will tell. Regardless, we are thrilled to see them back!

Sorry for the terrible photo - early in the morning pointing into the sun, but the silhouette doesn't look that bad!