Well, I know it has been a very bad winter for everyone and although our weather is very mild in comparison to the rest of the country, it has been cold here this winter and we haven't been out in the boat much at all. When the temperature on Saturday was in the mid 70's, we made plans to head out for a late afternoon cruise that we both were really looking forward to.
The Guy was running errands until pretty late, so I went over to get the boat ready to go. Guess what - no electricity! I didn't think it was totally off - only that there must be somewhere to turn the electricity on, but that didn't stop me from leaving Bob a message that went like this "Bob, this is the call you didn't want to get from me....."
In addition to the boat issue, I noticed that the dry wall guys, who had worked most of the day on Saturday (I took them cookies) had left the garage door open. The door is very old and weighs over 300 pounds, so I really didn't want the Guy closing it on his own. Bob knows this. So, the phone call went on to say, by the way, the garage door is open and we need someone to come over here and close it.
About 15 minutes after leaving the message, the Guy gets home and shows me where the breaker is to turn on the dock electricity. Okay. That's good. Then, when I told him about the garage door, he cracked up. Turns out they removed the garage door about a week ago. What????? While YOU are still laughing, in my defense, I was out of town until late Thursday and didn't really pay attention to the house after everyone left on Friday, so I didn't know the door was gone - really!
So, I left Bob a "mia culpa" voice mail saying that "nobody tells me anything!!". He told me that I made his weekend and thanked me for the comic relief.
Anything for a laugh, I guess, even if it is unintentional!
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