Sunday, October 25, 2009

One down, one to go!

We finally received sign off from our town for our plans. It took three weeks - considerably shorter than our dock permit, but longer than it should have taken. More on this process later...

On to the County. It will most likely be a shorter process than the Town and we hope to be underway soon. Good grief - we will now be starting in November! Yikes. So much for being finished in the spring. At least we won't have the roof off during the rainy and hurricane seasons. That's a good thing, Martha.

More soon, I hope!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Post-Its Everywhere

As we prepare to move, we thought it would be a good thing to put Post-It notes on everything to designate where it was to go. We are putting a lot of items in storage, selling some and moving the rest into the house across the street where we will live during the renovation. Because FRGuy is color blind, care had to be taken with the colors, but I found some that fit the bill. Now, we have Post-Its everywhere.

And I do mean everywhere!!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Critters on the window

Speaking of single pane windows with condensation on them, this was my view from the kitchen window this morning. I sure hope it was a frog....... Definitely not a snake, though - too many appendages!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Clear View

One thing we will not miss is single pane windows that have so much condensation on them in the morning that it is difficult to see out of them.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

We Have Ignition!!!!

Well, after literally years of planning and every week in September when we thought this would happen, we have finally applied for a building permit with our town. There are myriad reasons why it has taken so long, but they are moot now that it is finally done. The permit process starts with the town and then goes to the county. It could take as little as three weeks or stretch much longer. It took three months to get a permit to build our boat dock, but that was in boom times, so I remain cautiously optimistic that the process will be on the shorter side now that the town and county building departments have much more time on their hands.

Yikes, we have to move out soon! More about that later.......