Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Goings On

Last week was a busy week. We had people at the house every day and, thankfully, I was out of town for most of it! But, most importantly, we rented the house-across-the-street to some great people who purchased a house under construction down the street from us. They need a place to live while they finish the house. Funny, this will be the third consecutive family living there while they are waiting for their house to be built or remodeled! It is the perfect temporary home (permanent also) and we are pleased to get it rented so quickly to such a qualified family.

The HVAC has been calibrated and now the thermostats more accurately reflect the temperature and regulate the house better. The jury is still out on whether we need two units or just the one, but for now it is much better. The electricians came and changed out all of the dimmer switches since we didn't like the ones they put in originally. They also hung the chandelier in the foyer, so that is the last of the light fixtures. Yea for small victories!

We are almost finished with the door into the wine/dining room, so photos of it will be coming soon. It is SO cool. Not at all what we first envisioned, but much better than the original plan. We finally decided on the size of the glass table we need and it will be ordered this week. Oh my, we might finally have one room finished! Of course, we have another idea of something we want to do, but it's not urgent and will not hold anything up regarding using the room.

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