Monday, February 8, 2010

A Benefit to living in Central Florida

Not much going on with the house. We seem to be in a bit of a lull. The windows and doors are ordered, but won't arrive for another week or so. HVAC and plumbing is finished and electrical starts tomorrow. Additionally, tomorrow we meet with the "low voltage" guy. This company runs the wiring for things like cable, security system, phone, etc.

In the meantime, there is always excitement in the area (and it doesn't always include a certain golfer). Possibly the last night launch of the NASA Shuttle went off very early this morning. We love seeing things like this, so we got up at 4 a.m. and traipsed across the street and down to the dock to watch it. Below is a photo of what we see from our vantage point. It is amazing how quickly it travels. It reaches 1,000 miles an hour within the first few minutes. I'm actually a bit surprised that it showed up so well in the photograph - a testimony to how bright it actually is in the sky. We were able to see the solid rocket boosters fall away, but the camera could not capture that much detail.

For those who are curious - Nikon D-80 with a Nikkor 70-300 zoom lens. Shutter speed of 25.


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