Sunday, June 6, 2010

Sunday before CO

Let's assume we are still getting our CO (certificate of occupancy) next Thursday or Friday as planned. I'll give a daily play by play. Let me in on any betting pools - my money is on it NOT being Thursday or Friday (of this week).

The irrigation guys finally showed up today - at 7:30 a.m. no less. I know our neighbors will be as happy as we are when this thing is finally finished. Bought them pizza so they wouldn't have to leave for lunch and not come back (it has happened more than once).

Went shopping for a mattress - and I thought used car salesmen were bad..... LOL

Was driving home around 5:30 and saw the irrigation guys in their truck on the way out. Guess they did put in a full day. They hope to finish irrigation tomorrow. Still have trees and shrubs, etc. before sod. Oh, and the railing for the deck won't be delivered until Wednesday.....

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